个人简介:博士,硕士生导师, 2021年毕业于华南师范大学计算机学院,专业方向为服务计算理论与技术,现为太阳成集团信息科学技术学院/网络空间安全学院教师。
[1] Ma Z , Tang M D. ,Zhang J. Optimized Random Forest for DDoS Attack Detection in SDN Environment [C]. IEEE CSCloud&EdgeCom 2023. 【EI】
[2] Ma Z , Li B . A DDoS attack detection method based on SVM and K-nearest neighbour in SDN environment[J]. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2020, 23(3):224-234. 【EI期刊】
[3] Ma Z , Zhao G , Lin C , et al. Research on Strategy Optimization of OpenFlow Switch Flow Table Based on "Bus Route" Idea[C];2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). IEEE, 2019. 【EI收录,CCF C类会议】
[4] MA Z, YANG Y. Optimization Strategy of OpenFlow Flow Table Storage Based on the Idea of "Betweenness Centrality" [C]; 2019 IEEE International Conference on BlockSys. IEEE, 2019. 【EI收录】
[5] Ma Z , Huang J . Research on DDoS Abnormal Traffic Detection Under SDN Network[C]; Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming. 2019.
[6] Ma Z, Yang Y. Optimization Strategy of Flow Table Storage Based on "Betweenness Centrality"[C]; 2019 IEEE International Conference on Power Data Science (ICPDS). IEEE, 2019. 【EI收录】
[7] Ma Z , Zhong Y. The Research and Implementation of SDN Switch's Flow Table Optimization[C]; 2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE). IEEE, 2019. 【EI收录】
[8] Zhao-Hui M , Gan-Sen Z , Wei-Wen L , et al. Research on DDoS Attack Detection in Software Defined Network[C]; 2018 International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data and Blockchain (ICCBB). 2018. 【EI收录】
[9] Ma Z H , Zhao G S , Zhang Q Z , et al. An Independent Forwarding Algorithm Based on Multidimensional Spatial Superposition Model in SDN[C]; International Conference on Green Informatics. IEEE Computer Society, 2017. 【EI收录】
[10]马朝辉,聂瑞华,谭昊翔,赵淦森等. 大数据治理的数据模式与安全 [J].大数据,2016, 03(010): 【CCF C类中文期刊】
[11] Ren, X. , Wang, X. , Tang, H. , Ma, Z. , Wu, J. , & Zhao, G. . (2017). A unified model for detecting privacy leakage on android.
[12]赵淦森, 吴杰超, 马朝辉, 任雪琦,张奇支. 用户可感知的TVM集群安全管理模型[J]. 网络与信息安全学报, 2017, 20(016):
[13]赵淦森, 吴杰超, 陈梓豪, 任雪琦,谭昊翔,马朝辉. 网络空间安全态势感知研究[J]. 网络与信息安全学报, 2016, 002(010):29-35.
联系方式: Email:mazhaohui@gdufs.edu.cn